Mastering shot-shaping is crucial for navigating the slopes, angles, and obstacles of a golf course—especially as you approach the green. In PGA TOUR 2K25, mastering spin will help you effectively set up short putts, counter downhill lies, and create loft—potentially turning bogeys into birdies. Mastering the shape of each shot type gives you the tools you need to avoid mistakes…or at the very least turn any mistake into an epic recovery.
Consider two key factors when choosing how to shape or spin your shot:
- Wind: To combat the wind it is advised to keep your ball flight low, as the higher it climbs the more impactful the wind can be on the outcome. Highly lofted shots are not advised, especially when hitting into a headwind.
- Slope: Place your shot strategically based on the slope of the ball landing area. This is even more important when hitting the green. Press Triangle (PlayStation), Y (Xbox), or SPACE (PC) to enter the Scout Cam. Then zoom in with R2 (PlayStation), RT (Xbox), or Scroll Wheel (PC) to study slope. When you are approaching or are playing on the green, watch the travel direction of the white lines. For example, if the little white lines on the green are running toward the pin from back to front, place your approach shot at the back with a bit more spin to help funnel your ball toward the cup. The faster the lines are moving, the bigger the slope.
How to Fade, Draw, or Loft in PGA TOUR 2K25
To adjust spin:
- Start by holding L1 (PlayStation), LB (Xbox), or SHIFT (PC)
- Now, use the left analog stick (PlayStation, Xbox) or Mouse Left Click + Move (PC) to shape your shot into a fade, draw, or lofted shot.
- Use the right analog stick (PlayStation, Xbox) or Mouse Right Click + Move (PC) to control spin—pull down to increase spin, push forward to decrease spin
When to Use a Fade, Draw, or Loft
Choosing between a fade or draw, and the amount of loft depends on the particular situation you’re trying to solve for, which may include course quirks, hole layout, weather, and the desired ball flight. Some basic guidelines follow, though don’t be afraid to get creative.
Fade: Ball Flight Away from the Body
Use fade when you need the ball to curve away from your body to navigate around an obstacle or a dogleg course that curves in the corresponding direction.
Fades are also helpful to help hold the ball on the green, as the high spin helps to minimize roll after the ball lands.
Club Selection
Clubs with a slightly flatter face tend to allow more control over spin axis, which is key to shaping a fade. Also keep in mind that shaping your ball flight will be more impactful over greater distances.
- Use a Driver for tee shots
- Use Fairway Woods or Hybrids for long approach shots
- Use Irons for precise shots into the green
Draw: Ball Flight Toward the Body
Use draw when you need that ball to travel just a little farther—draw generally produces a stronger roll after landing.
Draws are helpful when you need the ball to curve toward your body after impact, such as when you need to counteract wind coming from the opposite side.
Club Selection
Clubs that allow for an in-to-out swing path and more compression on the ball enhance a draw’s natural flight. Club guidance is the same for Fade shots, but just in case you forgot:
- Use a Driver for tee shots
- Use Fairway Woods or Hybrids for long approach shots
- Use Irons for precise shots into the green
Loft: High-Arching Shot
Adding loft to your shot is great for getting over obstacles such as trees, bunkers, or water. These shots typically will land softly and have minimal roll, which makes them perfect for green approach.
Club Selection
Clubs that have a high degree of loft—the angle of the clubface relative to the shaft—are perfect to launch the ball high with more spin.
- Use a Wedge for shots that require height, precision, and minimal roll
- Use Fairway Woods with higher loft for longer shots from the fairway or rough
- 8 or 9 Irons are higher trajectory clubs that can get the job done on longer approach shots
Ready to learn more? Click through to learn more about mastering your swing.
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