One of the most popular aspects of the PGA TOUR 2K series has been the diversity of matches and modes available. Whether it’s the fun of camaraderie and going toe-to-toe with friends at home in multiplayer mode, the unrivaled global interaction of entering matches and tournaments online, or the personal satisfaction of conquering the PGA TOUR in MyCAREER mode, PGA TOUR 2K has been long renowned for the variety of game modes it offers to virtual golf enthusiasts around the world.
PGA TOUR 2K25 is no exception! This year, we’ve enhanced the features of some of the most popular modes from previous releases while adding brand-new features to further enhance the competitive thrill.
With so many different areas of the game to enjoy, we’ve put together this guide to provide insight into the different types of gameplay on offer.
Local Match
Despite the plethora of interactive gameplay options in the modern day, the thrill of spending an evening competing with friends or family at home remains as popular as ever.
Our Local Match mode caters to this demand by allowing you to play with up to three other guests at home. Players with limited controllers are not restricted, as local mode allows you to choose to share one controller between you if necessary.
This pass-and-play game style does not require an online connection and is the perfect way to bring all the golfing action to the comfort of your living room. If you do have an online connection, however, you can access a wide world of user-created courses made by members of the Course Design community!
Private Match
As the name suggests, our Private Match mode allows you to play online with only those players you choose to play with and experiment with different rules, settings, and courses. This is perfect for times when you want to play directly against friends but are not in the same household—or even on the same platform!
The in-game party allows you to select party members that you have invited. Room codes enable anyone to join, provided they enter the room with the correct password. You can create or join private matches from the main menu.
Casual matchmaking is a quick and easy way to compete online that eliminates the planning and preparation involved in devising or joining tournaments or private matches. Choosing this option will let you randomly match and play against other gamers around the world.
Casual Matchmaking offers six playlists to choose from:
- Head-to-Head (1v1 - Match Play Format)
- Teams (2v2 - rotates between Alternate Shot and Four Ball Formats)
- Wagers (2-4 players - Skins Format)
- Quick Match (3 holes, 2-4 players - Stroke Play Format)
- Divot Derby (9 holes, 2-20 players)
- High Rollers (3 holes, 1v1 - Skins Format)
⛳ Looking for a match? Try the official PGA 2K Discord.
Game Formats
When playing in Local, Private, and Matchmaking rounds, there is an array of different game formats to select from.
Stroke Play (1 to 4 players)
Stroke play counts the number of strokes each player takes to complete the round. With multiple players, the person who completed the round with the fewest strokes wins. You can also play alone to attempt to beat your best scores.
Stableford (1 to 4 players)
In Stableford format, you score points based on the number of strokes taken per hole. The player with the most points at the end of the round wins.
Match Play (2 players required)
Match Play is a 1v1 format. The golfer who has the lowest score on each hole receives one point. The player with the most points at the end wins the match.
Skins (2 to 4 players)
This mode allows you to earn skins (in-game currency) from your opponents for every hole you win—or pay up for every hole you lose. The player with the lowest-scoring hole wins the skin. If two or more players tie, however, then no skin is awarded, and is instead, carried over to the next hole. The player who earns the highest payout by the end is the winner.
Four Ball (4 players required)
Four Ball is a ‘doubles’ style match where two players compete together against another team of two. The player with the best score on a hole earns a point for their team and the team with the most points wins the match.
Alternate Shot (4 players required)
Alternate Shot uses the same 2v2 format as Four Ball. In this mode, however, you must take turns sharing the same ball with your partner to reach the hole. Getting to the hole in fewer strokes earns your team a point, and the team with the most points wins the match.
Scramble (4 players required)
Scramble is another 2v2 format that lets each team decide which shots are better and then play from that location for each shot. The lowest number of strokes per team, per hole, counts toward the final score. Again, the team with the lowest score at the end of the round wins.
Divot Derby
Divot Derby is a fast and chaotic mode in which up to 20 players tee off at the same time and race to the hole in a unique golf 'battle-royale' style take on golf that is unseen anywhere else.
Topgolf (1-4 players)
The popular Topgolf format appears for the second time in the PGA TOUR 2K series and is playable both locally and online. Topgolf is an arcade-style game mode in which you’ll take aim at a series of targets and attempt to score as many points as you can. You’ll receive more points based on how close your shot is to the center of the target and how far away the target is. The player who scores the most points wins the round.
This mode allows you to play tournaments while building a persona and leveling up your MyPLAYER to unlock rewards. PGA TOUR 2K25 is excited for the franchise debut of major tournaments! Prove yourself on some of golf’s biggest stages and become a legend of the game. The U.S. Open Championship, The Open Championship, and the PGA Championship have arrived for their debut.
New additions to MyCAREER bring meaningful depth to the mode, with more choices that allow you to shape your personality and popularity on and off the course, as well as even more ways to play than ever before. Dynamically simulate MyCAREER rounds or play through extra gameplay moments with all-new training and pre-tournament events.
Online Societies
Anyone who has played previous versions of the PGA TOUR 2K series will be well aware of our immersive Online Societies. Societies allow gamers to join and create their own leagues and play in various seasons, tournaments, and events with players across the globe—including those on other platforms! Join up to ten Societies at one time and compete against fellow Society members in events set up by the admins. Anyone can create a Society, and when you do, you’ll have complete control of the member's list, events, and other settings.
2K Ranked Tours
Brand new to PGA TOUR 2K25, 2K Ranked Tours lets you play your way with events across skill levels—all while progressing your MyPLAYER. Climb the ranked ladder each season and earn rewards for participation and improving your ranking tier.
Ranked Tours contains daily and weekly seasonal events. While the PGA TOUR season is in full swing, weekly events will follow the PGA TOUR schedule. Make sure to come back each week to compete live in the events!
The training course is the perfect place to hone your skills, practice your swing, and ensure you’re operating at the peak of your powers next time you enter a tournament online or compete for bragging rights against friends.
Course Designer
The Course Designer mode allows you to unleash your creative side and design a course the way you want to. From enhancing the aesthetic with trees and water features to changing the terrain and enhancing the difficulty with hills and bunkers, the Course Designer mode is where you become the architect. Then, publish and share your course with the rest of the PGA TOUR 2K25 community worldwide.
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