In PGA TOUR 2K25, Societies offer endless multiplayer possibilities for players across PC, PlayStation, and Xbox. Create your own league with friends, compete globally, or join existing Societies—all while enjoying a fully customizable experience. Join 2K Ranked Tours to play competitively and make your way up the ladder.
Society founders and admins can set entry requirements and design events that mimic real-life golf seasons. Players earn points throughout the season based on performance, with options to schedule Regular Matches, Majors, Signature Events or Finals—as well as optional Alternates for any event that has entry requirements—each of which change the amount of Season Points participants can receive. Members are given the flexibility for asynchronous play, or live play with up to 3 other Society members at any point throughout the events’ duration.
Adding in-game currency raises the excitement, letting players compete for virtual prize money and bragging rights. Tournaments can be open to everyone or restricted based on a player’s history or seasonal performance, adding flexibility to the competitive structure.
For those not ready to run their own Society, joining an existing one provides instant access to tournaments, all on terms set by the Society's founder and admins. Whether creating or joining, Societies in PGA TOUR 2K25 bring the drama, tension, and thrill of competition to your fingertips with the convenience of cross platform play.
Setting Up a Society in PGA TOUR 2K25
It is very easy to set up a Society in PGA TOUR 2K25. Note that you can only create one Cross Platform Society and you cannot delete it.
- On the Main Menu, use R1 (PlayStation), RB (Xbox), or Q and E (PC) to navigate to the Compete Menu, then select “Online Societies.”
- From here, you can select “Create Society” or “Join Society.” Select “Create Society” with Cross (PlayStation), A (Xbox), or Left Click (PC).
- In this next menu, set your Society Settings. Once done, scroll to the bottom and select “Done” with X (PlayStation), A (Xbox), or Left Click (PC).
It’s that simple. Now the real fun begins—scheduling!
Schedule Events in PGA TOUR 2K25 Societies
Bring the competition by scheduling your own series of events within your own Online Society.
- Within your Society’s Active Events tab, press Square (PlayStation), X (Xbox), or C (PC) to “Add Event.”
- First, change the settings for your Main Event, by selecting the “Main” button. You can choose the course, the number of—and settings for—rounds, the entry fee, and more.
- If you want to restrict access to players of certain ranks to add prestige for premium events, head back to the Create Event menu, and follow the Entry Requirements flow.
- Select “Entry Requirements” if you wish to add some. Select “Requirement Type” to add a specific type, and adjust any parameters that appear to your liking. Use L1/R1 (PlayStation), LB/RB (Xbox), or Q/E (PC) to add multiple requirements. Members who meet any single requirement you set will be eligible for this event. A requirement can be removed by setting its Requirement Type back to ‘None’.
- If you choose to add requirements, it’s recommended you also set up an Alternate Event for those members who miss out qualifying for the main event. Just return to the Create Event screen and choose “Alternate”. The options here are the same as you found in the Main Event flow.
- Go back to the Create Event menu with Circle (PlayStation), B (Xbox) or ESC (PC).
- Head over to the “Start Date” and use X (PlayStation), A (Xbox), or Left Click (PC) to select one for the event. This date can be up to a year from the current date. Change this date by using Left Stick (PlayStation / Xbox) or by using W, D, or Left Click (PC). Then, do the same and choose an “End Date,” which can be up to 7 days past the date you start your event.
- When satisfied with your Main and Alternate Events, select “Create Event” with X (PlayStation), A (Xbox), or Left Click (PC) to finalize your event.
With an event created, your Society members can now play the event anytime within the scheduled Start Date and End Date.
Ranked Tours
2K Ranked Tours is composed of daily and weekly events where you compete to earn Merits and rewards throughout each season. Seasons span 12 weeks in length. In Ranked Tours, your rank is directly influenced by your performance. Playing well earns you Merits, which help you climb the ranks. The more Merits you earn, the higher you’ll climb up the ladder and the more rewards you’ll earn!
You will compete to make your way up the six Ranked tiers:
- Bogey
- Par
- Birdie
- Eagle
- Albatross
- Condor
2K Ranked Tour Rewards
As you play through the season—and up the ranks—you will earn rewards based on tier promotion and event participation. Rewards will range from in-game currency to new clubs, balls, and fittings. It will definitely be worth the fun to play through Ranked Tours to earn fantastic rewards to upgrade your MyPLAYER.
Daily and Weekly Events
Daily and weekly events offer three difficulty variants: Pro Am, Pro, and Master. Each event will have a specified swing-style, or styles, that can be used for that event (Swing Stick and/or 3-Click). Some events may also include an entry requirement, such as a buy-in, that is required before you can access the event.
You are not required to participate in any event and can choose your preferred level of challenge based on the event settings mentioned above. It is important to mention that all tiers compete in the same events—with placement thresholds per-player based on their current Ranked Tours tier and the difficulty of the event—ensuring a unified experience regardless of skill level.
Online Societies and 2K Ranked Tours are just a few of PGA TOUR 2K25’s offerings for multiplayer play. Visit our full rundown of multiplayer options to learn more.
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