Golf is a cerebral game. Players must excel under high-pressure situations, demonstrate exceptional emotional control, mental toughness, and the ability to maintain unwavering focus and concentration in any circumstance. It is important to be able to plan, but also pivot when play doesn’t go according to that plan. There are two quick tools you can use in PGA TOUR 2K25 when setting up your shot to help get the best out of your shot—the Scout Cam and the Yardage Book.
Scout Cam
Before opening your Yardage Book, we recommend that you become familiar with the Scout Cam. The Scout Cam will tell you where your shot will land under perfect conditions with the perfect shot. To open the Scout Cam, press Triangle (PlayStation), Y (Xbox), or Spacebar (PC). Use Left Stick (PlayStation / Xbox) or W and S (PC) to adjust shot distance within the distance range for your club and shot type. Use D-Pad Up and D-Pad Down (PlayStation / Xbox) or Q and E (PC) to change your club. L2 (PlayStation) or Left Trigger (Xbox) will zoom out to give you a wider look at your potential lie area, whereas with PC you can left click and move your mouse to easily pan around the current view. For PlayStation or Xbox, Right Stick will change the angle from which you are looking. While planning, pay close attention to the wind, how it might affect your shot, and associated lie. When you’re ready to take your shot, press Triangle (PlayStation), Y (Xbox), or ESC to return to your golfer.
Yardage Book (Map)
When planning where you want your shot to land, you can use the Yardage Book to gain a better understanding of the hole from a top-down view. To open the Yardage Book, press Circle (PlayStation) or B (Xbox or PC).
The dotted path line in the Yardage Book represents the full path to the hole. Use this line to plan ahead. Use Left Stick (PlayStation / Xbox) or Left Click (PC) to adjust the distance indicator. This indicator includes your potential shot landing location as well as the distance to the hole from that location. The path line is not linked to your shot, it is for planning purposes only—don’t forget to take into account your shot and your golfer’s power when scoping out distance. You can certainly plan to hit 400+ yards, but remember that almost no plan survives first contact with the ball. In the Yardage Book you can also use L1 or L2 (PlayStation), Left or Right Bumpers (Xbox), or Q or E (PC) to zoom in and show your planned trajectory near the hole.
A final tip: When planning your shot, don’t just look far—also look near. The angle of the lie beneath your feet can also affect the trajectory of your shot’s flight path. If the ball is above your feet expect your shot to pull. A lie below your feet will push your shot.
Taking just an extra few seconds to learn hole layout and plan your attack can make a big difference as the rounds progress.
Now that you’ve made a plan, it’s time to work on the perfect swing.
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